Murari Jha

Murari Jha Murari Jha Artist Artist Murari Jha

Far from my home “Space where body and landscape meets”

The Buffalo’s Tail

The Buffalo’s Tail Title: Far from My HomeSeries: Lockdown Diary III Title: Far from My HomeSeries: Lockdown Diary II Title:

Murari Jha_Good Sleep

Good Sleep

Good Sleep Performance : Good Sleep_“The Art of Rest” Duration: Thirteen Days and Nights | Venue: Unidee (Cittadellarte – Fondazione

Murari Jha_Fondle @Mumbai Art Room

Fondle | चिकट

Fondle | चिकट Fondle / चिकट   Interactive Installations Mumbai Art Room Year | 2018 Virginia Woolf asserts, “I am not

Murari Jha_Performance

The Moment of Scream

The Moment of Scream Performance Duration: 45 Minutes KNMA (Greater Noida) Performance Duration: 25 Minutes FICA (New Delhi) Performance Duration:

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